What makes a book cover stand out?

fullsizeoutput_49ee.jpegWe are all guilty of picking up books based on their cover design more often than not. Most book lovers I’ve interacted with have admitted to being drawn towards interesting and aesthetically pleasing cover designs and there is an excitement in buying or receiving a book that is beautiful not only on the inside but outside as well. So it got me thinking on what makes a cover tick for me. Continue reading

What I’d like to read more of in 2018

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAs a reader, you always wonder what books would you like to read more of to diversify your reading. I have a few choices for this. I want to try and read more classics from the victorian times. I have’t read too many as it hasn’t been a genre that I really drift towards, so that is something I’d like to try and explore. Another, is to try and expand reading more African American literature. Continue reading

Intense, heartbreaking reads


“Is it true that human beings are fundamentally cruel? Is the experience of cruelty the only thing we share as a species? Is the dignity that we cling to nothing but self-delusion, masking from ourselves the single truth: that each one of us is capable of being reduced to an insect, a ravening beast, a lump of meat? To be degraded, slaughtered – is this the essential of humankind, one which history has confirmed as inevitable?” – Han Kang, Human Acts


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